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Marine protection specifically designed to cover risks associated with activities and transportation in seas, rivers and lakes. This covers ship, cargo and legal liability insurance related to maritime activities.


Property insurance is a vital form of protection designed to safeguard your physical assets from unexpected damages or losses caused by events such as fires, theft, water damage, or natural disasters.

white cruise ship travelling during daytime
white cruise ship travelling during daytime
white and red wooden house miniature on brown table
white and red wooden house miniature on brown table
black and red car engine bay
black and red car engine bay
Motor Vehicle

Motor vehicle insurance is a crucial form of protection designed to cover the risks associated with owning and operating a vehicle. It provides financial coverage against damages, losses, or liabilities that may arise from accidents, theft, or other unfortunate events involving your vehicle.


Health insurance is a vital form of protection designed to cover medical expenses and provide financial support for individuals and their families in times of illness or injury. It offers coverage for a wide range of healthcare services, including doctor visits, hospital stays, prescription medications, surgeries, and preventive care.


Engineering insurance is a specialized form of insurance designed to protect businesses and individuals involved in engineering projects or operations. It provides coverage against risks associated with construction, installation, and maintenance of infrastructure, machinery, and equipment.

white ceramic bowl with brown liquid
white ceramic bowl with brown liquid
man using welding machine
man using welding machine

Liability insurance is a crucial form of protection designed to cover legal liabilities and financial losses that may arise from claims made against individuals or businesses for their alleged negligence or actions resulting in bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury to others.

Marine Cargo

Marine cargo insurance is a specialized policy designed to cover goods and merchandise while they are being transported by sea, air, or land. This type of insurance is essential for businesses involved in international trade, as it mitigates the risks associated with the transportation of goods over long distances and through various modes of transport.

Heavy Equipment

Heavy equipment insurance, also known as heavy machinery insurance or equipment insurance, is specifically designed to provide comprehensive coverage for these valuable assets. Whether you own construction equipment, agricultural machinery, mining vehicles, or any other heavy equipment, having the right insurance coverage is essential to protect your investment and mitigate potential financial losses.

Construction All Risk

Construction All Risk insurance is a comprehensive policy designed to protect stakeholders involved in construction projects, including contractors, property owners, and subcontractors. It covers a wide range of risks and potential perils, such as damage to the construction site, materials, equipment, and third-party liabilities.

Bank Guarantee

Bank guarantee is a financial instrument issued by a bank on behalf of a customer, often used in the context of business transactions. It represents a commitment by the bank to pay a specified amount to a beneficiary in the event that the customer fails to meet their contractual or financial obligations.

Surety Bond

Surety bond is a legally binding contract involving three parties: the principal (the party seeking the bond), the obligee (the party who requires the bond), and the surety company (the entity providing the bond). It serves as a financial guarantee that the principal will fulfill their obligations or commitments to the obligee.

Trade Credit

Trade credit, also known as vendor credit, is a financial arrangement between a buyer and a seller in which the seller allows the buyer to purchase goods or services on credit with deferred payment terms.

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is a specialized financial product designed to provide coverage and protection for individuals while they are traveling. It typically offers a range of benefits, including reimbursement for trip cancellations or interruptions due to unforeseen events like illness, natural disasters, or travel advisories, as well as coverage for medical emergencies, lost or stolen baggage, and other travel-related mishaps.

Personal Accident/Group Term Life

Personal Accident Insurance provides financial protection to individuals in the event of accidental injuries or death, offering a lump-sum payout or periodic benefits to the policyholder or their beneficiaries.

On the other hand, Group Term Life Insurance is a form of life insurance typically offered by employers to their employees, providing a death benefit to the beneficiary in the event of the insured person's death during the policy term.

Engineering All Risk (EAR)

Engineering All Risk (EAR) insurance is a specialized policy designed to provide comprehensive coverage for construction and engineering projects. It encompasses a wide range of perils and risks that can affect the project, including damage to the construction site, materials, equipment, and third-party liability.

Aviation Insurance

Aviation insurance is a complex web protecting the high-flying world, covering damage to aircraft (hull insurance), injuries to passengers and third parties (liability), and even ground risks like theft or weather. Think airbags for planes, with specialized policies for airlines, airports, manufacturers, and everything in between, ensuring smooth landings even when turbulence hits.